Secrets des abysses
Photographs by Gilles Martin

Professionals at your service…
Gilles Martin has over 30 years’ experience in the field of producing, setting up, and hiring photographic exhibitions. His clients include the French Senate, the Museums of Natural History of Lille, Bordeaux, Tours, Nantes, and Bayonne, as well as the most prestigious international photography and nature festivals.
His network (graphic designers, editors, photo laboratories, and artisans) means that he can set up exhibitions for you on a turnkey basis.
The exhibition
Large-format images to reveal the tiny yet fascinating life of the deep sea - that's the idea behind the "Secrets of the Abyss" exhibition! This public exhibition was created in partnership with IFREMER and Gilles Martin, a specialist in animal photography. It is the result of a major scientific adventure led by the oceanography institute, entitled "Pourquoi pas les abysses?" ("Why not the abysses?"). Gilles Martin documents this program, which aims to learn more about the fauna of the abyss... A selection of these color and black & white images is presented in this exhibition.
is a project financed by IFREMER (the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea) and led by Sophie-Arnaud Haond, Florence Pradillon and Daniela Zeppilli, an Italian oceanographer, as well as a team of some thirty scientists tasked with accelerating knowledge of deep-sea biodiversity. The aim is to study on a large scale the distribution of marine biodiversity present in the abyssal trenches, and to make progress in the identification of these little-known species.
A photographic challenge
"IFREMER contacted me to carry out an exclusive photographic inventory of the meiofauna and macrofauna of the abysses (polychaetes, nematodes, crustaceans, echinoderms, molluscs) collected during the various campaigns of the research vessel Pourquoi pas?
The IFREMER specifications stipulate that the largest specimens to be photographed will be 3 cm long, and the smallest just a few microns. I shoot most of the images in my studio in Tours, France, using my own equipment: a bellows, a Zeiss stereomicroscope and a Zeiss fluorescence optical microscope. To complete the picture, I travel to IFREMER in Brest to take pictures with a scanning electron microscope capable of very high magnifications of up to 2 million times."
The "Secret des Abysses" exhibition can be presented in two versions.
Version 1 :
- 22 panels format 100 x 150 cm support Dibon 3 mm.
- The "Secret des Abysses" film. Running time : 10 minutes.
Version 2 :
- 30 panels format 100 x 150 cm support Dibon 3 mm.
- The "Secret des Abysses" film. Running time: 10 minutes.
"Pourquoi pas les abysses ?" THE FILM
The film "Pourquoi pas les abysses?" is also available for screening at the exhibition site.
Please do not hesitate to contact us. A pamphlet is available that sets out all the technical details for setting up and transport, as well as the rates for hiring the exhibition.
Phone : +33 (0) 2 47 66 98 57 − Email :