Career path
The first step
- First foreign report on trafficking sea turtles. > Discover portfolio
- Joins the Jacana photographic agency.
- Guilde Européenne du Raid award winner for an exploration journey to Aldabra Atoll.
- Publication in L’Univers du Vivant.
- Presentation of the exhibition Les libellules, la vie secrète des filles de l'air at the Ménigoute International Ornithological Film Festival. > Discover the portfolio
- Awarded first prize by the Dotation Kodak Grand Reportage for Expédition Thylacine.
- Featured in the prestigious Gamma photo agency.
- First USA press publications: Life, Time magazine, National Enquirer.
- Publication of the book "Les libellules" by Éditions de La Martinière. Text by Emmanuel Thévenon.
> Discover the book "Les libellules"
- Production of the exhibition La vie secrète des filles de l’air > Discover the exhibition La vie secrète des filles de l'air
- The book Australie is published by Editions Solar. Co-authored by Houria Arhab. > Discover the book Australie, continent sauvage
- Publications in Terre sauvage, Figaro magazine, Chasseur d’Images.
- Launch of the first Macrophotography Traineeships in the Brenne Regional Nature Park
> Discover Macrophotography Traineeships
- First freelance order for GEO magazine.
- The book Le Poitou & les Charentes is published by Editions Larousse.
- Presentation of the exhibition The secret life of the girls of the air at the International Wildlife Photography Festival of Montier-en-Der
- Publication in National Geographic, Geo Russia, Geo Germany and Geo Spain.
- The book Photographier la nature, with text by Denis Boyar, is published by Editions La Martinière. > Discover the book Photographier la nature
- Launch of the Arche photographique project. > Discover L'Arche photographique
- Collaboration with photographic agencies: Grazia Neri, Sunset and Bios.
- Production of the exhibition Photographier la nature for the Natural History Museum of Tours.
- The book La Macrophotographie, with text by Ronan Loaëc, is published by Editions La Martinière. > Discover the book La Macrophotographie
- Production of interactive exhibition MicroMégas for the Natural History Museum of Tours > Discover the exhibition MicroMégas
- The book Les Oiseaux du monde, with text by Myriam Baran, is published by Editions La Martinière. > Discover the book Les Oiseaux du monde
- Production of Birds of the world exhibition > Discover the exhibition "Birds of the world"
- The book Les Oiseaux racontés aux enfants is published by Editions La Martinière jeunesse. Texte Philippe J. Dubois et Valérie Guidou.
- Introduction of the exhibition Birds of the world at the library La boîte à livres.
- Coverage of the publicity campaing for the advertsing agency HHCL/UNITED London for
Sky News: billboard, press, television, internet. > Discover the HHCL/UNITED campaign
- Entry to the travel agency Objectif Nature as Tour leader.
- Presentation of the Forêts tropicales du monde exhibition at the International Festival of Wildlife Photography in Montier-en-Der.
- Launch of the Wildlife photography Traineeships in the Brenne Regional Nature Park
> Discover the wildlife photography traineeship
- Presentation of the Pour toi Madagascar exhibition at the Senate in Paris.
- Outdoor presentation of the exhibition Birds of the World at the Ménigoute International Ornithological Film Festival.
- Creation of L'Arche PROJECT 25. The aim of the L'Arche PROJECT 25 competition is to sponsor a young photographer or video maker under 25 years of age and to support him or her in the preparation, production and broadcasting of a major report on the theme of "Preserving Biodiversity" > Discover L'Arche PROJECT 25
- The book Papillons du monde, with text by Myriam Baran, is published by Editions La Martinière.
> Discover the book Papillons du monde
- Presentation of the Biosphere exhibition at the International Wildlife Photography Festival of Montier-en-Der.
- The book Les oiseaux, with text by Catherine Levesque, is published by Editions Milan.
- Publications in Bild, BBC Wildlife Magazine,The Guardian, Popular Photography.
- Presentation of the Biosphère exhibition in the peristyle of the Tours town hall.
> Discover the Biosphere exhibition
- Production of the Biosphere interactive exhibition.
- Corporate : photo order by the RCP communication agency for The Château de Chenonceau : diary, cards, calendar, limited editions.
- Launch of the new workshop Macrophoto XXL in studio in Tours, with the status of approved training organisation > Discover the Macrophoto XXL traineeship
- Presentation of the MicroMégas exhibition at the Natural History Museum of Lille
> Discover the MicroMégas exhibition
- Production of the exhibition and the Happening 2027 - Mémoires d'un dos argenté in partnership with the International Festival of Wildlife Photography in Montier-en-Der
> Discover the exhibition 2027 - Mémoires d'un dos argenté
- Exhibition Biosphère presented at the library La boîte à livres.
- Presentation of the interactive exhibition MicroMégas at the Natural History Museum of Bordeaux.
- Filmmaking 2027 - Mémoires d’un dos argenté > Discover the film - Mémoires d'un dos argenté
- Launch of the photo/video agency Biospher Pictures, Gilles Martin's photo and video image bank for image professionals: communication agencies, publishing, web, press, cinema, etc... > Discover the Biospher Pictures agency
- Setup of the Top floor Studio hybrid space, both artist’s studio and gallery.
In order to warn a large audience about the biodiversity disappearing issue worldwide, Gilles Martin went to New York and installed posters, pastings and stencils.
- Creation of the Top Floor Studio/gallery. Located in Touraine, the Top Floor Studio is a place for creation, exhibitions and meetings. In this hybrid space, workshop/gallery, Gilles Martin presents his photographic prints, collages and artistic installations for private collectors, gallery owners and museums. > Discover the Top Floor Studio/gallery
- Second street art campaign in New York in the disctricts of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Chinatown, Bushwick and Williamsburg. > Discover the street art campaign in New York
- Presentation of the exhibition Street art in New York at the galerie Gabillet. > Discover the limited editions Street art in New York
- As part of the event Workshops, instructions for use, presentation of the exhibitions L'Arche photographique and Street à New York at the Top Floor Studio workshop/gallery.
- Exclusive contract with the IFREMER to shot macro and microphotographs of deep water meiofauna within the context Why not the abyss ? Project conducted with the italian oceanographer Daniela Zeppilli. Expedition period : 2 years. > Discover the project "Why not the abyss ?"
- Publication of the portfolio Street art à New York in magazines Chasseur d'Images and TMV.
- Entry to the Amarok Travel Agency as Tour Leader.
- Embarkation for a three-week expedition between the Arctic and France on the oceanographic ship "Pourquoi pas ?" to make the film Pourquoi pas les abysses ? > Discover the film Pourquoi pas les abysses ?
- Exhibition Pourquoi pas les abysses ? presented in Nantes at the Festival de La Mer XXL. An event inspired by the universal exhibitions of the beginning of the 20th century, mixing art, industry and technology.
- Presentation of the Secrets des Abyss exhibition at the Lumexplore international scientific and environmental exploration film festival in La Ciotat.
- Presentation of the exhibition Secrets des Abyss in Nausicaá: National Centre De La Mer in Boulogne-sur-Mer.
- Contract with IRBI : Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte. Realization of macro / microphotographs and scanning electron microscope photographs. This APR BioControleTermite research project aims at the permanent protection of the heritage through an eco-responsible biological control of termites. > Discover the portfolio of BioControle Termite
- Issuance by the French Post Office (La Poste) of a booklet of 12 stamps entitled l'Effet Papillon illustrated with butterfly wing details from the book Papillons du monde (Butterflies of the World).
- Presentation of the Secrets des Abysses exhibition at the Noirmoutier Science Festival on the theme of the Ocean and Mankind.
- Presentation of the travelling exhibition l'Arche Photographique in China in the city of Sanmenxia and in Kunming, capital of the province of Yunnan. This exhibition (in its black & white version) presents a photographic inventory of endangered animal species. Its aim: to alert the general public to the disappearance of these rare and endangered species on the IUCN Red List. >Discover the exhibition L’arche Photographique
- Presentation of the film Pourquoi pas les abysses? at the Deep sea biology symposium. A film produced by IFREMER and directed by Gilles Martin. > Discover the film Pourquoi pas les abysses ?
- Exhibition Secrets of the Abyss presented at the International Wildlife Photography Festival of Montier-en-Der. Exhibition produced by IFREMER.
- Presentation of the film Pourquoi pas les abysses? at the One Ocean Summit during the French presidency of the European Union.
- Street art : presentation of the portfolio concerning the latest street art campaign Off the Wall carried out in the West Bank : Palestinian Occupied Territories. Postings on the wall that separates Israel and Palestine over 500 kilometres. > Discover the Off the Wall campaign
- Contract with the Marine Natural Park of the Picardy Estuaries and the Opal Sea in collaboration with the Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences LOG. Scientific photographs with scanning electron microscope, stereo microscope and optical microscope for researchers for the communication and the realization of permanent and itinerant exhibitions. > Discoverd the portfolio of Natural Park of the Picardy Estuaries and the Opal Sea
- Amarok Travel Guide: Meet the Bengal tiger. > Discover the journeys
- Presentation of the exhibition Secrets of the Abyss and the film Pourquoi pas les Abysses at the Festival of the Camargue and the Rhone Delta.
- Travel to New York for a third street art campaign.
- Contract corporate with the Lesaffre company, world leader in the yeast industry. Ordering of videos and photos of yeast with high magnification ratio : macro / microphoto with optical microscope and stereo microscope. Shooting pictures of researchers production and research tools.
The Lesaffre group, a global player in the fermentation industry, has set itself a goal : feed 9 billion people by 2050 by using the planet's resources as efficiently as possible.
- Exhibition of microphotographs for the Fête de la Science in partnership with the LOG: Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences.
- Exhibition Secrets of the Abysses presented at the Festival des sciences de Noirmoutier.
- Travelling exhibition Estuaires designed within the framework of the Life Marha with the help of the Parc naturel marin des estuaires Picard et de la mer d'Opale.
From 26 January to 25 June 2023 at Maréis, an original museum and aquarium concept.
From 19 July to 13 September 2023 at La maison de la baie de Somme.
From 16 to 17 September 2023 at the Maison du Parc naturel marin in Ecault.
From 20 September 2023 to 01 September 2024 at Nausicaà - Centre National de la Mer.
> Discover the images
- "Débat doc" on France 3 Bretagne. The "Débat doc" program takes you to over 4000m for a dive into the abyss! Screening of the film Pourquoi pas les Abysses?
- The exhibition Secrets des abysses was presented at the POGO Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean. The annual meeting of the leaders of organizations in marine science of all world. From the January 23 to 26 2023 at the Casino Joa de la Seyne.
- Wildlife photography and macro photography courses in the Brenne Regional Natural Park. Between 16 June and 6 August 2023 > Discover the courses
- Travel accompaniment for the agency Objectif Nature: Special predator safari in Botswana. From 01 to 12 October 2023. > Discover the trips
- Macrophoto XXL workshop in Tours : From 2 to 3 December 2023 and from 9 to 10 December 2023. > Discover the workshop Macrophoto XXL
- "Estuaire" exhibition: January 01 to September 24, 2024 at Nausicaà - Centre National de la Mer. Partners: Parc naturel marin des estuaires Picard et de la mer d'Opale and Life Marha. > Discover the images
- Photo workshops: find out more about the nature photography workshops I'll be running from June to September 2024. Macro and wildlife photography workshops in the Brenne Regional Nature Park and XXL Macro Studio workshops in Tours in November and December 2024. > Discover the courses
- Trip leader for the Objectif Nature agency : Special predator safari in Botswana. October 01 to 12, 2024. > Discover the trips
- "Street art Paris / New York / West Bank" exhibition at Top Floor Studio December 14 to 31, 2024.
> Discover the Top Floor Studio
- Secrets des Abysses exhibition and presentation of the film "Pourquoi pas les Abysses?" directed by Gilles Martin from April 1, 2024 to January 5, 2025 at Nausicaà - Centre National de la Mer
- Publication of the "Pourquoi pas les abysses?" project in the French and international press: Stern, XL Semanal, BBC Wildlife Magazine, TMV, Terre sauvage, Sciences et avenir, Chasseur d'images, Image & Nature, Plongez, Géo, L'OBS, Nexus, Pandacraft explore, Ça m'intéresse, Futura, Science & vie, Mook de Sciences et Avenir consacré à l'Océan. Numéro de reporters sans frontières dédié à la Mer - 100 photos pour la liberté de la presse...

Happening 2027 - Memoirs of a silverback © G. Martin

Street art campaign in New York © G. Martin

Creation of the workshop / gallery Top Floor Studio © G. Martin

Project "Why not the abyss? » © G. Martin / Ifremer

APR "BioControleTermite" project © G. Martin / IRBI / CNRS

Issuance of a series of stamps on butterflies © G. Martin

Exhibition "l'Arche Photographique" in China © G. Martin

Street art campaign in the West Bank © G. Martin

Exhibition « Estuaires ». Life Marha. © G. Martin / LOG

Lesaffre Group. Microphotography of yeast © G. Martin

Photo workshops from June to August 2023 © G.Martin

Exhibition "Street art Paris / New York / West Bank"

Exhibition "Street art Paris / New York / West Bank"